Punati Corp. offers custom label programs tailored for
your specific needs. We specialize in chemical blending, filling, packaging, warehousing and distribution. We can help you with any specific packaging, lab, or custom formulations that you may require. Our facility is currently audited by numerous national testing companies and we consistently score over 90% in all areas. We have the flexibility and ability to perform short and long runs for your blending, filling, packaging, warehousing and shipping needs. We presently assist Fortune 100/500/1000 companies, and look forward to helping support your need with our turnkey services.

☑️ Development & Design
☑️ Formulation
☑️ Blending/Filling/Packaging
☑️ Inventory Warehousing
☑️ Full EDI Capabilities
☑️ Reduced Inventory/Overhead
☑️ Reduced Warehousing Personnel
☑️ Reduced Office & EDI Related Costs
☑️ Reduced R&D
☑️ Price Leveraging
☑️ Hot/Ambient Fills
☑️ Liquid/Semi-Viscous
☑️ From 0.5 Ounces to 330 Gallon Containers
☑️ Assembly/Displays/Shrink Wrapping